Proud to be Berkshire County’s only full-line Andersen Windows & Doors Circle of Excellence Dealer!

About Us
The original Dresser store was built on Railroad Street in 1883.
In 1904, two leading coal and grain concerns of Lee, the David Dresser store, mill and yard and the business possessions of the Hull Coal and Grain Company, formed a new corporation called Dresser-Hull Company. Eventually, the company expanded into the lumber and supply business on the east and west sides of Railroad Street where the David Dresser Company was located. Part of the present building, on the east side, was a livery stable. Another of the original buildings is diagonally across from the present office.
In 1953, Mr. and Mrs. W. Francis Shields bought the corporation. In 1977, Richard, their son, became president of the corporation. In 1987, Dresser-Hull Company acquired the former Gendell corporation property which includes a 100,000 square foot storage facility and 4 acres of outside storage.
Over the years, Dresser-Hull Company has developed a solid relationship with not only their customers but also their employees. We are very pleased to introduce the sales and support staff listed in our staff directory. Most of these folks have many years of service with Dresser-Hull Company.